速報APP / 娛樂 / A7B Relax Music

A7B Relax Music



檔案大小:156.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


A7B Relax Music(圖1)-速報App

With "A7B Relax Music" you can relax your body and mind. Let yourself go with the gentle sounds of nature and the sounds of musical instruments, relaxing your mind and giving you a meeting with your own inner nature.

Have a great collection of sounds that directly affect your mood as a special music therapy. Listening to soft music on a day-to-day your blood pressure is reduced by improving the blood circulation and thus your heart health.

It also has positive effects on your breathing, which results in cardiovascular benefits.

key Features

* 12 quality sounds:

- Music for help your baby to sleep and relax.

- Whales singing for meditation.

- Rain Sound and thunderstorms to calm.

A7B Relax Music(圖2)-速報App

- Classical music to improve your work, focus and to stimulate your intelligence.

- Owl Sound.

- Music to study.

- Sound of rain and flute to sleep and relax the mind.

- The night forest Sound to restore emotional health.

- Instrumental guitar Sound to relieve stress.

- Indian music to relax or dance.

- Japanese Music to relax your soul.

A7B Relax Music(圖3)-速報App

- Fireplace Sound to create a feeling of warmth and well-being.

* Create mixing melodies to your liking.

Select and merge your favorite sounds. Break the routine with high quality music. Allow yourself to work, study, meditate, sleep and dance with fine tunings to begin and end the day well with life.

Download now and allow yourself to have a healthy routine.


If you need help?


Do you need help? Would you like to make a suggestion? Submit a request for a new feature?

A7B Relax Music(圖4)-速報App

Our new website is ready for you. Submit any question and keep updated about our apps: a7bgroup.com

If you prefer send direct email and we will be there to support you: support@a7bgroup.com

Your contact is very important. With your feedback we can constantly improve our apps.

A7B Relax Music(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad